Moving to Substack+ Launching a newsletter about how to explain things better.Apr 22, 2024Apr 22, 2024
Be brave, but don’t be boringNotes on how to explain the future in a way that does not make it threatening to people.Nov 11, 2023Nov 11, 2023
Published inJ+ at Newmark J-SchoolOrdinary People Said They Didn’t Like Breaking News. Here’s Mainstream Media’s Incredible Reaction!For over a decade, audiences have asked for timeless explanations of the context behind everyday news. Why didn’t they get it?Oct 24, 2023Oct 24, 2023
From numbers to narratives — a new way of talking about life within planetary boundariesTelling stories about climate neutrality in cities — a transformative practiceJun 26, 2022Jun 26, 2022
The local pandemicObservations on three ways the pandemic is likely to impact how we plan and think about city living going forward.Feb 2, 2021Feb 2, 2021
What cities can learn from car makersConcept cars are tangible and emotional versions of the futureJan 10, 2021Jan 10, 2021
I vilken sorts skog möter Rödluvan vargen, egentligen?Om vikten av att anknyta till platsens unika identitet när man berättar något om hur framtiden ska se ut.Nov 19, 2020Nov 19, 2020
Vad städer kan lära sig av biltillverkareBerättelsen bakom berättelsen — reflektioner om storytelling som verktyg.Aug 21, 2020Aug 21, 2020
A better story about a city that is better for allNine Swedish cities are using storytelling to speed up their transition to climate neutrality by 2030. A tool to help speed up that…Jul 17, 20201Jul 17, 20201